Thursday, November 25, 2010

Singapore Streetview

I've just discovered that Google now have streetview for Singapore.  Some highlights for my curious readers:

This is the pedestrian gate to the condo complex I used to live in.

I used to work in this building. In my day what is now the Singapura Financial was an actual Royal Bank of Canada branch. I worked in the trading room which was up on, I think, the 15th floor.

If you walk down the street from the old RBC building and turn on MacCallum street you get to the hawker centre where we used to get lunch most days.  Unfortunately you can't go inside and see if the fried rice man is still there.


Anonymous said...

This is the first post of yours I can recall that is actually about Where Chris Was.

Richard said...

I was staying nearby the other day. But in my case, Google doesn't show the place where I stayed, *yet*.,+singapore&sll=1.277162,103.846979&sspn=0.007712,0.009645&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cecil+St,+Singapore&layer=ct&cbll=1.28064,103.841629&panoid=SD_xoO6U_N2x7KUfCMeblw&cbp=11,252.28,,0,8.53&ll=1.280637,103.841631&spn=0.001856,0.004823&z=18