Friday, October 31, 2008

Long Term Storage

Kevin Kelly has an article about an attempt to build a modern day Rosetta Stone that will last 2,000 years. The 3 inch metal disk will be etched with 350,000 pages of the Book of Genesis translated into over 1,500 different languages. You need a 750 power microscope to read the text.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First World War Sketches

The Mail on Sunday has an article about a First World War British soldier and the sketches he made during scouting missions on the front lines at places like Vimy Ridge. The sketches themselves are amazing, especially given the circumstances under which they were made.

Observation: TVs at the gym

Often when I go to the gym in the afternoon I am the only person in the cardio room. This means I get to change the channels on all the the TVs. Usually I change them from sports or soap operas to the news. In the past few weeks however I have noticed that the TVs are often set to the various financial news channels.

I'm not sure if this counts as an economic indicator or not.

Where did those chains start?

Bootsnall has a post detailing the original locations of 15 now massive chains.

I have vague recollections of visiting the original KFC (then known as Kentucky Fried Chicken) on a family trip to Florida.  I also think I may have been to the original Barnes and Noble in New York City but I'm not sure.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Virgin Galactic Reject Porn Deal reports that Virgin Galactic have rejected a $1 million offer to make a porn film in space.

Post-blogging the Sudeten Crisis

Another geeky post here but this one is for history geeks. Aviation history blogger Airminded has just finished an experiment of "live-blogging" a historical event. He used newspaper archives and other sources to post-blog the Sudeten Crisis.

The Sudeten Crisis is also known as the Munich Crisis and is the series of events leading up to the famous "Peace for our time" announcement just before the Second World War.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cake In A Mug

I haven't actually tried this but it looks like it might be fun.  It would be perfect for the lunch room at work assuming you happened to have all the ingredients.

Do Not Call Lists

Security expert Bruce Schneier has a blog post where he mentions the new Canadian Do Not Call List.  One thing he mentions:
Here's my idea. If you're a company, add every one of your customers to the list. That way, none of your competitors will be able to cold call them.
My question is, couldn't someone write a small program to pull all of the phone numbers in Canada from say and add them all to the Do Not Call List?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October Smashing Wallpaper

I'm a bit late with this one but Smashing Magazine have another set of their monthly desktop wallpapers.  I decided to skip the Halloween themes and went with the large ship in the fog. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

Moleskine Monster Post

Being a bit of a paper productivity geek, I've been intrigued by the current interest, some would say fetishism, for the Moleskine notebook. To summarise it all, Freelance Switch has a post with a huge list of links to articles about things you can do with your Moleskine.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

NASA Photo Archives

NASA has a new website with all of their photo archives.  There are some very nice pictures there.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

First launch

Astronomy Picture of the Day has a nice black and white photo of the first launch from Cape Canaveral.

Friday, October 03, 2008

A Slightly Rude Comic

I'm not sure why but I like this comic. Note that it would be suitable for work anywhere I've ever worked but your mileage may vary.
via reddit